1. While at TNNA, I had the distinct pleasure to completely embarrass myself upon being introduced to Franklin. I think I actually jumped up and down and there's no question my voice increased in pitch to something equivalent to pre-teen girl at the American Idols on Tour Concert. It was quite a thrill and I'm hoping to have a big party for him at WEBS when his new book debuts this fall :)
2. While in Chicago, Steve and I got to go to Wrigley Field to see a Cubs game. It was very exciting - we are both (all if you include J1 and J2) big sports fans, so any trip to one of this country's iconic sports venues is always a treat. Unfortunately, in my effort to better manage my photos, I seemed to have deleted the shots I took. Bummer.
3. Speaking of iconic sports venues, I've been asked by several folks what I did for Steve's 40th birthday besides (a) take him to a yarn show (b) dinner and (c) get him to the Hyatt for free beer and dry ice from SPM? Well, to say the least he is not an easy one to surprise, impress or buy for. I was DETERMINED to wow him. And I did :) With the help of his parents, I was able to book a trip to next year's Master's Tournament in Augusta. For any of you who golf or know a golfer, Augusta National is legendary and very difficult to access. It will be a great trip.
4. Knitting. So a funny thing happened on our Excellent Adventure, Part 1 - I did not take a single knitting or crochet project with me. The reaction to knitters at the show was pretty interesting. Most were immediately concerned "What do you mean you don't have a project with you?" "Did you forget it?" "Was it confiscated at airport security?" "Did you lose it?". Most then immediately started rummaging through their knitting bag, pulling out random projects to give to me. Everyone was HIGHLY stressed that I did not have yarn and needles in my possession. I appreciated the concern and the offers, but declined the projects politely. When asked what was wrong, I have to say, I didn't really have a good answer. It's not that I was feeling lazy or anything. I've been dragging yarn home at the normal pace as new, interesting things have been coming in, but for some reason, I guess I just haven't been very inspired. I walked around the store for a good 20 minutes before heading ot the airport, fondling yarn, looking at patterns, etc., and just couldn't make up my mind - nothing was REALLY speaking to me.
Now, I'm not exactly known to be a high-producing knitter. I start a lot of projects and finishing, well, finishing things is not my forte. Maybe that's the problem. I have so many projects in process, it's kind of ridiculous. I thought about pulling them all out and organizing them - forcing myself to finish one before starting something new or brining home more yarn, but then I decided that would just be an exercise in futility. Why create a situation in which I'm going to feel badly for all that I haven't accomplished?
So, I spent 10 days away without any knitting. I did procure some yarn at the show, which I've previously documented. I have to say, I think it was the best thing I could have done for myself. This past week, I've been feeling so much more motivated. I've got 2+ projects in the works now and I'm psyched about them!
First, our next KAL on Ready, Set, Knit will be this:

It's a new design done out of our Valley Yarns Northampton called the Staghorn Cabled Tunic. Isn't it adorable? It looks good on so many body shapes and the design itself is ingenious in it's simplicity, as well as it's style. I've already swatched and I'm ready to cast on and get going. I'm sure Pixie is already 1/2 way done with the project, but that' s okay. (Note to Pixie - I really don't want to know how far along you are, okay?).
Next up, we have a brand new yarn that is about to debut and I'm working on a shawl design for it. More about "Hadley" in a future post :)
Lastly, Gail, the Kangaroo Dyer has done it once again. There is rarely a yarn that comes into the store that doesn't some how make its way to her dye studio. The new Sterling Silk and Silver is her lastest endeavor. She showed me a hank just before I left and it took my breath away, even in the midsts of my funk. I finally broke down and emailed her that I HAD to have a skein. She brought me three and here is the one I chose:

It's unbelievalbly gorgeous. I have the one skein and will do a very simple scarf for myself and I will love it and wear it and be happy and sparkle-y. Thanks Gail!
So, have any of you run into a similar situation, where your knitting or crochet just isn't doing it for you? Have you ever taken a vacation from your projects? I'd love to hear your experiences.
Yes... since sometime in April, and only new babies have been forcing me to make needles go. The blog has suffered likewise.
I had 3 projects run into design or execution snags all at once, and that kind of killed the buzz. I should at least get out the one that just had an execution problem and fix it. :)
No, I took 6 WIPs with me to Seattle a few weeks ago, and did manage to work on all of them. Didn't finish any, though! I'm trying to get through my UFOs/WIPs this summer, so I don't have as many this fall.
That's why, as much as I'd love to do the KALs with you and Pixie, I just can't. I still love to hear the podcast and learn from Pixie.
It's been a long slow recovery from major startitis, but I'll get there!
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